Poliki, poliki haizetan

Poliki, poliki haizetan
IdazleaPatricia Highsmith (1979)
Jatorrizko izenburuaSlowly, Slowly in the Wind
HerrialdeaAmeriketako Estatu Batuak
FormatuaAzal gogorra
IzenburuaPoliki, poliki haizetan
ItzultzaileaKoro Navarro

Poliki, poliki haizetan (ingelesez: Slowly, Slowly in the Wind) 1979an argitara emandako Patricia Highsmithen ipuin-bilduma da. Koro Navarrok 1988an euskaratu zuen.

Ipuin antologia honetan bost ipuin hautatu dituzte. Halaz guztiz, badago crescendo bat: ipuinez ipuin bortitzago bultzatzen dute giza instintuek hilketara, eta handiagoa da "kriminaltasuna" nolabait esanda.[1]


  1. www.elkarargitaletxea.eus[Betiko hautsitako esteka]

Kanpo estekak

Autoritate kontrola
  • Wikimedia proiektuak
  • Wd Datuak: Q27633494
  • Identifikadoreak
  • Open Library: OL4485000M
  • Wd Datuak: Q27633494
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Patricia Highsmithen lanak
  • Strangers on a Train (1950)
  • The Price of Salt (Claire Morgan ezizenaz) (1952)
  • The Blunderer (1954)
  • Ripley trebea (1955)
  • Deep Water (1957)
  • A Game for the Living (1958)
  • This Sweet Sickness (1960)
  • The Cry of the Owl (1962)
  • The Two Faces of January (1964)
  • The Glass Cell (1964)
  • A Suspension of Mercy (1965)
  • Those Who Walk Away (1967)
  • The Tremor of Forgery (1969)
  • Ripley Under Ground (1970)
  • A Dog's Ransom (1972)
  • Ripleyren jokoa (1974)
  • Edith's Diary (1977)
  • The Boy Who Followed Ripley (1980)
  • People Who Knock on the Door (1983)
  • Found in the Street (1987)
  • Ripley Under Water (1991)
  • Small g: a Summer Idyll (1995)
  • Little Tales of Misogyny (1974)
  • Poliki, poliki haizetan (1979)
  • The Black House (1981)
  • Mermaids on the Golf Course (1985)
  • Strangers on a Train (1951)
  • Plein Soleil (1960)
  • Le Meurtrier (1963)
  • Der amerikanische Freund (1977)
  • Dites-lui que je l'aime (1977)
  • A Dog's Ransom (1978)
  • Die gläserne Zelle (1978)
  • Le Cri du hibou (1987)
  • The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999)
  • Ripley's Game (2002)
  • Ripley Under Ground (2005)
  • The Cry of the Owl (2009)
  • The Two Faces of January (2014)
  • Carol (2015)
  • A Kind of Murder (2016)